Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Great Doberman Impostor

So the other night I was making my usual round around the house, checking things out and making sure that there wasn't anything looking too neat or clean, when I stumbled across something a little disturbing. Brace yourself...its was a Doberman Impostor in MY house!! This was totally unacceptable and had to be dealt with immediately! I grabbed this intruder by the neck and made good and sure he would never lurk in any other Dirty Dog's house. I exposed his true identity when his fluffy white insides lay all over the living room floor.

The Impostor and his fuzz
I really thought I had captured a fake in our home...but for some reason Mom was not happy with this. She said this was just a "toy" and NOT a Doberman Impostor. I don't think she realized how real this looked and how I did our family a great service by disposing of such a fake! I am going to have to keep an extra close eye on the perimeter from now on!
I guess I'm sorry???


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Helping Paws and Photo Shoots

Evidence we can all behave...for a few seconds.
Busy weekend! We are up in Jacksonville, FL visiting our Grandma and Grandpa. Its Grandma's birthday today!! We also brought a friend with us, his name is Kain and our Mom had to go pick him up from a family that couldn't keep him anymore. Kain was very sad, but we shared our toys and made him feel right at home. Kain is Doberman just like us, but he is a different color. They call him a "Blue" and I guess that means he looks like a dusty black and tan just like me! We took him to see Dr. Julie and she said he was all healthy and ready to go to a new home! He is going to hang out at Grandma's house until  he finds a special forever home.
Our new friend, Kain
Faye and Dad in the hammock.
Walking on the edge
Me, being a stud muffin
Princess Hallie
Knox looking for lizards
Bath time for Kain

Bath time for Mia!
While we were all at Grandma's house she decided to have a photo shoot. Apparently this meant we ALL had to have a bath! Big mistake...I made sure I promptly rolled around in the yard right after mine. Man, she takes SO many pictures and we had to sit still and be good for a long time! Since it is her birthday, we decided we could listen for a few seconds at least. It was a pretty good day, we threw our Grandma a Dober Birthday Party and we got to help out a fellow dirty dog!

Until next time...


Monday, September 13, 2010

Pumping Iron

Faye finally took over the whole mat.
Good evening everyone! I have to tell you about a funny thing that happened tonight. Our Mom decided to try and do some exercises on the living room floor this evening. Silly Mom, this is OUR living room...and therefore OUR exercise equipment. She started by laying down this nice blue yoga mat. Well, that was just an invitation to lay down on it. Every time she switched exercises, we edged our way onto the mat. Then I spotted her weights...WHEW, that is the heaviest bone I have every tried to carry! It's a good thing I am all beefed up now after my little stint in the wilderness.

We hope all you other Dirty Dogs are getting your exercises in too! The healthier you are...the dirtier you can get!
This is that heavy bone I was telling you about! 


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Dirty Dog Goes Rouge


It's Faye again, I have to keep up our exploits because Remy is currently serving a "Time-Out." Remy must really miss our Dad because he has been a bad pup lately! His naughty streak began when he ate a toad for breakfast one morning. Mom was really worried because I guess toads are very bad for pups. She even stayed home from work that day to make sure Remy wasn't sick. He was fine, obviously, and was his usually suck up self all day. Next he decided to chase down an armadillo. I saw it first but it was WAY to scary for me to be dealing with. Remy had other plans and chased it behind the shed. Mom  tried to stop him and ended up tripping off the deck and really hurtin her foot. She was not happy with Remy.
Fowler's Toad

Remy has now decided to leave the local wildlife at peace (even though I am pretty sure I saw him eat another toad this morning) and has moved on to interior design. Everyday he moves all the furniture around for Mom. When she gets home she never seems very happy that the couch is in the kitchen, but she just moves it back. Remy has tried a couple of different styles and arrangements, but mom doesn't seem to be too interested. So since she hasn't been fond of Remy's fine sense of style, he has resort to chewing up her things. Today Mom picked up two different mysterious piles of chewed up plastic. She identified one as a pen and luckily there was no ink in it or else Remy would be in BIG trouble. The second pile of plastic remains unidentified. When Mom went to the grocery store tonight, she came home to see that Remy had decided to dust off her weights and pump a little iron. When he was done and sweaty he took her bathroom towel to dry off. When Mom was eating dinner tonight she say that Remy had chewed the corner of the ottomon/my throne. I happen to know he did this a couple of days ago, she just hasn't noticed until now. :)
My desecrated throne :( 
Mysterious unidentified plastic pieces
Evidence of Remy's iron-pumping
So Mom has been kind of irritated at my Bro, but she can't be too mad because I saw him snuggle up in her lap. Dad is coming to visit this weekend and Remy will probably get a talking to. I don't really mind if he is being bad....he is making me look great!


Monday, August 30, 2010

Say Cheese!

So we really haven't been up to a whole lot lately...well, except from Remy eating a toad and me almost breaking my Mom's ankle...but thats for another day! Tonight we are just going to share some photos of what we have been up to lately. Enjoy!
Mom was taking too many pictures this day....and I thought I'd tell her about it.
We were trying to have a sleepover in Remy's bed....Mom and Dad said no :(
This is an oldie....Aunt Alana and Michelle took me on a trip to the beach....and this is what happens at the beach.
Remy doesn't really like Frankenstein the Bearded Dragon. 
Me, just perfecting my pose
Dad playing our favorite game EVER...BALL!
Remy lounging around with Dad

Dad giving us a little watermelon treat!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dirty Dogs Get REALLY Dirty!

Me, just doin' my thing!
Faye and I are currently in Gainesville, FL helping our Dad get ready for his second year in Doggie Doctor School (aka Vet School). Mom and Dad took us to the dog park today since we did so well on the drive up here! Let me just tell you....It. Was. AWESOME! There was so much room to run, all the other dogs there were super nice, and since it  just got finished raining there were lots of puddles to play in! Now, as long as I have known Faye she has always been a Diva Princess. Let me tell sister is WILD! This was a side of her I had never seen and really didn't think existed. Boy, did she have a good time! She really captured the essence of what it means to be a Dirty Dog.
I thought I was pretty dirty...until I saw Faye...

Faye's Mud Hole

Faye's "Dirty" Side
Apparently mudding is very exhausting.

Our bud Milo...he knows about being dirty too!
While we were there our good friend Milo and his Dad (also a soon to be Doggie Doctor) came to the dog park too! Milo loved the mud just as much as Faye. I tired out this mud hole, but it really wasn't my thing. I prefer to RUN! This place was so much fun, I can't wait to go back! Tomorrow Mom and Dad said we are going to some place called the "Creek," hopefully it is as much fun as the dog park! I am pretty tired after all that running, so I am off to lounge around the condo!


Monday, August 16, 2010

Dirty Dog Business

Alana and Stella
Phew...what a weekend! I was SO tired yesterday! Aunt Alana and Stella came yesterday...the whole family was here! We got to be home alone while everyone went shopping, which is usually a good time for me to do my regularly scheduled business, but I was too tired and took advantage of rest break.

Today though, was business as usual around here! We heard our little friend Hannah is getting spayed...which sounds scary, but it means she is one step closer to a new home. Dad stayed home with me today while Mom went to work. I just went about my normal routine, checking the yard for ducks, annoying Faye, rearranging the know, the basic Dirty Dog activities. Mom and Dad said we might get to go to the "Dog Park" this week. I'm not sure what that is, but it sounds fun and Faye says that even SHE likes it must be good!

Have a great week!

My idea of how the furniture should look