Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dirty Dogs Get REALLY Dirty!

Me, just doin' my thing!
Faye and I are currently in Gainesville, FL helping our Dad get ready for his second year in Doggie Doctor School (aka Vet School). Mom and Dad took us to the dog park today since we did so well on the drive up here! Let me just tell you....It. Was. AWESOME! There was so much room to run, all the other dogs there were super nice, and since it  just got finished raining there were lots of puddles to play in! Now, as long as I have known Faye she has always been a Diva Princess. Let me tell sister is WILD! This was a side of her I had never seen and really didn't think existed. Boy, did she have a good time! She really captured the essence of what it means to be a Dirty Dog.
I thought I was pretty dirty...until I saw Faye...

Faye's Mud Hole

Faye's "Dirty" Side
Apparently mudding is very exhausting.

Our bud Milo...he knows about being dirty too!
While we were there our good friend Milo and his Dad (also a soon to be Doggie Doctor) came to the dog park too! Milo loved the mud just as much as Faye. I tired out this mud hole, but it really wasn't my thing. I prefer to RUN! This place was so much fun, I can't wait to go back! Tomorrow Mom and Dad said we are going to some place called the "Creek," hopefully it is as much fun as the dog park! I am pretty tired after all that running, so I am off to lounge around the condo!


1 comment:

  1. I am shocked with how dirty Faye the princess got, Shocked!! -Diesel
