Thursday, August 5, 2010

Meet the Dirty Dogs

Remington III

This is me in my new backyard!
My name is Remington, but mostly they just call me "Remy." I am a black and tan DoberStud who isn't always real sure of what is going on, but I love life just the same. I do know that I have a new house, and my own bed, and my own toys, and my own big sister, and my own Mom and Dad! I didn't always have these things though. I used to live in the dirt, chained to the ground, with no food or water. Someone didn't love me I guess. My brother was with me, he was chained and hungry too. It got very cold out there and when it rained, I had no where to stay dry. I don't remember a whole lot from that life and I don't really want to either. 
This was where I "lived."

One day, someone came and saved me and my Bro from the dirty little area we lived in. I went down to a place called Doberman Rescue of Lake Placid where a nice man named Gary gave me a warm house and food! I live here with Gary and all his DoberFriends until the day my new Mom and Dad came to get me! This was the best day EVER! They brought my new sister, Faye, with them and put me in their car and took me to my new house! I wasn't really sure about this house, I didn't about how to lay on a dog bed or that I could curl up on the couch. No worries, though, I figured it all out quickly!
This is the day I was saved.
They used to call me "Cain"

I am having SO much fun in my new home! My Mom and Dad feed me a lot so that you won't be able to see my bones sticking out anymore and I have to take some medicine for my heartworms, it's a good thing my Dad is in Vet School!

Me at one of my many photo shoots.
My name is Faye and I am a red and rust DoberPrincess. Really, I am royalty; just ask my Mom and Dad. They brought me home with I was a  pup and have been sitting on a pedestal ever since . Right from the beginning I was treated like the Princess that I am. Some may say I am spoiled, but I don't see it that way. When I don't get my way, I let everybody know about it...although lately my Mom and Dad have been spraying me with water when this happens. I am not a huge fan of that. I have enjoyed a life of luxury, but don't let that fool you; I enjoy a good mud puddle. While many assume that the mud is a sign of filth and uncleanliness, it is actually a great way for me to exfoliate and rejuvenate my skin and fur.Life has been pretty good. I get tucked in every night before bed, I have a stockpile of blankies that I nurse when I am tired, nervous, or just bored, and I have my own couch that I nap on during the day. I am very lucky to have dog parents to help me take care of MY house.

Looking stylish while on vacation in the Florida Keys.

One day, my Mom and Dad put me in the car but we didn’t stop at the Dog Park like we usually do…we arrived at a place with MANY other Dobermans. I thought this was a special Doberman Dog Park....but boy, was I wrong. When we were leaving, they put one of those other Dobes in the car with me! I was a little unsure about this giant boy in MY car, attempting to sit in MY spot between MY Mom and Dad. When we got home, he got to use MY toys and lay on MY couch! They call him Remy and told me that he was my “new brother,” whatever that means. I guess he is here to stay…he really isn’t too bad. He stays in his own bed and he actually proves useful as a pillow when we are on the couch and a scapegoat for my various extracurricular activities . I guess I could get used to this “brother” thing. 

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