Sunday, August 15, 2010

Busy Day for Dirty Dogs!

Wow! Yesterday was the busiest day we have seen in a while!!

Hannah in her fancy new collar.
In the morning, Mom and Duncan's Mom (Aunt Lauren) took "Hannah" (thats what we named her), the little girl who was about to be put down, to my good 'ol friend Gary down at Lake Placid Dobermann Rescue. We are happy to know the little girl is safe now with Gary. He has LOTS of friends at his place and they all need Mommies and Daddies too! We had fun with Hannah when she slept over, Faye taught her about blankies and I taught her how to play really rough. We were sad to say good-bye to her, but we know its just so she can find her new home!

Me supervising the construction.
While Mom and Aunt Lauren were taking Hannah to Gary, Faye and I decided the best thing for us to do was help Dad and Grandpa replace our sliding glass door. They really needed help! I played the pivotal supervisory role while Faye alerted them when thing were wrong...either that or she just wanted them to pay attention to her. It was a hard job and it was really hot outside and we had to take lots of breaks...but we got the job done!

The finished product! Couldn't have done it without us!
After we got the door up, Grandma came!! She brought our good friends Hallie, Knox, and Mia for a sleepover. Hallie is new to the family, and she isn't quite sure how to play...but no worries, we'll teach her in no time! Hallie came from the Halifax Human Society in Daytona Beach, FL (that's where Duncan is from too!). Her old "family" left her there with a note that said she "bit people and other dogs." Lucky for her, the good people at the Halifax Humane Society didn't trust that note and gave Hallie a chance....good thing too, because she is VERY nice and has never even TRIED to bite anybody. Knox or "Knoxville" as everyone calls him, is a SILLY boy! He is sure fun to play with...whenever he isn't hunting lizards that is! Mom wasn't too happy when Knox destroyed her very big aloe plant looking for lizards! Knox came all the way from Knoxville, TN (Hence the name!). He was found there wandering around a lake with a bad boo boo on his foot. It was so bad that the Vet had to take some of his foot off!! This doesn't bother Knox, though...when he catches a lizard, he uses that foot to stomp on it. We don't get it...but, to each his own! A great group called the Doberman Assistance Network helped save him before Grandma and Grandpa got him! Mia is a very very small dog. Grandma says she used to live under a trailer before she got her. Mia doesn't know that she is so small and she runs around with us big dogs! She is a pretty cool little dog!!

Knox destroying Mom's Aloe plant!

Faye being a Princess.
Grandma and Grandpa gave my Mom and Dad a new "ottomon" (as they call it) but really, it is a throne for Faye. She sits on top of it and nurses her blankie and watches over her "subjects." I tried to get up there and see what it was all about...but I'm not sure whats so great about it.

So then after ALL this playing, Aunt Wendy and Uncle Mike came over and brought their Dirty Dog, Cletus. They found him running around a bike trail. He was asking EVERYBODY if they would take him home...but no one did. No one until Aunt Wendy and Uncle Mike, that it! Cletus is a pretty funny dude. He makes funny noises that sound like a little pig...but that doesn't mean he doesn't like to play! We had so much fun and played all night until it was time for Cletus and his mom and dad to go home.
Me hanging out with Aunt Wendy and Uncle Mike!
Grandma and Grandpa with Knox and Mia.
Dinner Time!!

Boy, were we tired! It was a LONG day but it was sure fun. We still have a lot today and I need to go because I can here Faye and Knox playing tug with MY new tire!
I told you I was tired!



  1. Thank you for all you do!!!! God Bless Cin & Sav OHIO

  2. Beautiful...Thanks for saving Hannah for Gary..Your Dobes are the captions..and love Gary...Suzanne and "Rio"..Florida West Coast..

  3. Stella and Alana came to visit too!!!!!

  4. Remy this was my FAVORITE post! You were such a busy boy... I love all your pictures; you're such a great photographer :)
