Monday, August 30, 2010

Say Cheese!

So we really haven't been up to a whole lot lately...well, except from Remy eating a toad and me almost breaking my Mom's ankle...but thats for another day! Tonight we are just going to share some photos of what we have been up to lately. Enjoy!
Mom was taking too many pictures this day....and I thought I'd tell her about it.
We were trying to have a sleepover in Remy's bed....Mom and Dad said no :(
This is an oldie....Aunt Alana and Michelle took me on a trip to the beach....and this is what happens at the beach.
Remy doesn't really like Frankenstein the Bearded Dragon. 
Me, just perfecting my pose
Dad playing our favorite game EVER...BALL!
Remy lounging around with Dad

Dad giving us a little watermelon treat!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dirty Dogs Get REALLY Dirty!

Me, just doin' my thing!
Faye and I are currently in Gainesville, FL helping our Dad get ready for his second year in Doggie Doctor School (aka Vet School). Mom and Dad took us to the dog park today since we did so well on the drive up here! Let me just tell you....It. Was. AWESOME! There was so much room to run, all the other dogs there were super nice, and since it  just got finished raining there were lots of puddles to play in! Now, as long as I have known Faye she has always been a Diva Princess. Let me tell sister is WILD! This was a side of her I had never seen and really didn't think existed. Boy, did she have a good time! She really captured the essence of what it means to be a Dirty Dog.
I thought I was pretty dirty...until I saw Faye...

Faye's Mud Hole

Faye's "Dirty" Side
Apparently mudding is very exhausting.

Our bud Milo...he knows about being dirty too!
While we were there our good friend Milo and his Dad (also a soon to be Doggie Doctor) came to the dog park too! Milo loved the mud just as much as Faye. I tired out this mud hole, but it really wasn't my thing. I prefer to RUN! This place was so much fun, I can't wait to go back! Tomorrow Mom and Dad said we are going to some place called the "Creek," hopefully it is as much fun as the dog park! I am pretty tired after all that running, so I am off to lounge around the condo!


Monday, August 16, 2010

Dirty Dog Business

Alana and Stella
Phew...what a weekend! I was SO tired yesterday! Aunt Alana and Stella came yesterday...the whole family was here! We got to be home alone while everyone went shopping, which is usually a good time for me to do my regularly scheduled business, but I was too tired and took advantage of rest break.

Today though, was business as usual around here! We heard our little friend Hannah is getting spayed...which sounds scary, but it means she is one step closer to a new home. Dad stayed home with me today while Mom went to work. I just went about my normal routine, checking the yard for ducks, annoying Faye, rearranging the know, the basic Dirty Dog activities. Mom and Dad said we might get to go to the "Dog Park" this week. I'm not sure what that is, but it sounds fun and Faye says that even SHE likes it must be good!

Have a great week!

My idea of how the furniture should look

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Busy Day for Dirty Dogs!

Wow! Yesterday was the busiest day we have seen in a while!!

Hannah in her fancy new collar.
In the morning, Mom and Duncan's Mom (Aunt Lauren) took "Hannah" (thats what we named her), the little girl who was about to be put down, to my good 'ol friend Gary down at Lake Placid Dobermann Rescue. We are happy to know the little girl is safe now with Gary. He has LOTS of friends at his place and they all need Mommies and Daddies too! We had fun with Hannah when she slept over, Faye taught her about blankies and I taught her how to play really rough. We were sad to say good-bye to her, but we know its just so she can find her new home!

Me supervising the construction.
While Mom and Aunt Lauren were taking Hannah to Gary, Faye and I decided the best thing for us to do was help Dad and Grandpa replace our sliding glass door. They really needed help! I played the pivotal supervisory role while Faye alerted them when thing were wrong...either that or she just wanted them to pay attention to her. It was a hard job and it was really hot outside and we had to take lots of breaks...but we got the job done!

The finished product! Couldn't have done it without us!
After we got the door up, Grandma came!! She brought our good friends Hallie, Knox, and Mia for a sleepover. Hallie is new to the family, and she isn't quite sure how to play...but no worries, we'll teach her in no time! Hallie came from the Halifax Human Society in Daytona Beach, FL (that's where Duncan is from too!). Her old "family" left her there with a note that said she "bit people and other dogs." Lucky for her, the good people at the Halifax Humane Society didn't trust that note and gave Hallie a chance....good thing too, because she is VERY nice and has never even TRIED to bite anybody. Knox or "Knoxville" as everyone calls him, is a SILLY boy! He is sure fun to play with...whenever he isn't hunting lizards that is! Mom wasn't too happy when Knox destroyed her very big aloe plant looking for lizards! Knox came all the way from Knoxville, TN (Hence the name!). He was found there wandering around a lake with a bad boo boo on his foot. It was so bad that the Vet had to take some of his foot off!! This doesn't bother Knox, though...when he catches a lizard, he uses that foot to stomp on it. We don't get it...but, to each his own! A great group called the Doberman Assistance Network helped save him before Grandma and Grandpa got him! Mia is a very very small dog. Grandma says she used to live under a trailer before she got her. Mia doesn't know that she is so small and she runs around with us big dogs! She is a pretty cool little dog!!

Knox destroying Mom's Aloe plant!

Faye being a Princess.
Grandma and Grandpa gave my Mom and Dad a new "ottomon" (as they call it) but really, it is a throne for Faye. She sits on top of it and nurses her blankie and watches over her "subjects." I tried to get up there and see what it was all about...but I'm not sure whats so great about it.

So then after ALL this playing, Aunt Wendy and Uncle Mike came over and brought their Dirty Dog, Cletus. They found him running around a bike trail. He was asking EVERYBODY if they would take him home...but no one did. No one until Aunt Wendy and Uncle Mike, that it! Cletus is a pretty funny dude. He makes funny noises that sound like a little pig...but that doesn't mean he doesn't like to play! We had so much fun and played all night until it was time for Cletus and his mom and dad to go home.
Me hanging out with Aunt Wendy and Uncle Mike!
Grandma and Grandpa with Knox and Mia.
Dinner Time!!

Boy, were we tired! It was a LONG day but it was sure fun. We still have a lot today and I need to go because I can here Faye and Knox playing tug with MY new tire!
I told you I was tired!


Friday, August 13, 2010

Rescue Mission!

Good Morning! Our Mom told us yesterday that she is saving another Dirty Dog from a terrible fate. Mom thinks she came up with this idea all on her own, but what she doesn't know is that we used our DoberKarma and made this happen! Gary from Lake Placid Doberman Rescue got the call from the Lake County Humane Society that this DoberGirl was going to be put down if she wasn't saved TODAY! So Mom (working on our good vibes) sprung into action and called Grandpa to come get her out this morning. She will be having a sleepover at our house tonight! Mom said that her Mom and Dad didn't want her anymore (WHAT?!?!) and took her to the shelter. So many pups have no Moms and Dads so this place was REALLY full and they said this DoberGirl only had 24 hours to stay there! Mom also said that she doesn't have heartworms and that she won't potty in the house and will really want to come play with us. We can teach her about chasing the ducks out of our yard, share our bones with her, and since I don't stay in my crate anymore...she can have that too!! I bet Mom will give her a bath though...maybe we can warn her before it happens! We really hope our new friend finds a new home FAST because its so nice having a Mom and Dad to love and spoil you!

Dirty Dog Friends...Lets help find this girl a new family!


Thursday, August 12, 2010

Dirty Dog Friends: Duncan comes to play!

Last night our good friend Duncan and his mom came over to play. It had been raining most of the day so the yard was now ripe for mud! Duncan wore his good clothes over, obviously his mom didn't know what happens at our house! We ran in the mud, Duncan swam in the lake, and then we ate some grass. I think his Mom made him get a bath when he got home...poor Duncan!
This is us eating some grass after a long evening of playing!
Duncan used to not have a Mommy, just like me! But then one day his Mom, Lauren, came to get him all the way at the Hallifax Humane Society. Duncan told me that he is SO happy in his new home. Unlike Faye and I, Duncan gets to sleep in the bed with his Mom...not fair. We are so happy he found his Mom!


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Dirty Dog Rules: Doberman Property Laws

While surfing the web for some cool Doberman swag, we stumbled across this little gem that perfectly outlines the rules we except our human counterparts to follow.

These are heavily enforced in our house.

Remy and Faye

(image from, made by Pooch Lover Stuff "Mini Shop")

Dirty Dog Sleepover!

So this weekend Mom and Dad went away. I don't know where, but it couldn't have been too much fun since they didn't bring us. We were lucky enough to have our Aunt Jakki come stay with us while Mom and Dad were gone. She is super fun, especially because she doesn't know about all the dirty dog stuff we get into. I, being the Princess that I am, did nothing wrong. I was ever kind enough to not alert Aunt Jakki in the middle of the night when my blanket fell off. Mom must have told her all the things I like because I had clean water everything I went out (no leaves or Remy slobber) and I had a blankie with me in every room.

Since this was Aunt Jakki's first time staying with us, we thought we would educate her on the all the thing we are (not) allowed to do! Once we saw she fell asleep, we crawled into that big comfy king-sized bed with her. She didn't kick us off...or wake up for that we got to stay!! Woo Hoo! Remy blew our cover though when Mom and dad got  home and he tried to get into their bed (a big no-no). So its back to our "Dog-Pedics" for now.We can't wait for the next time Aunt Jakki comes to stay so we can sleep in the people bed!

The carnage
Also during Aunt Jakki's Dirty Dog Sleep Over Extraveganza, Remy decided to tell her how he felt about staying in his crate. I was too busy being good and lounging on the couch to notice...but apparently he managed to move his crate over to the bed and SHREDDED the comforter. I mean, he almost totally blew our chances of sleeping on the bed!... He also managed to escape his crate the second time Aunt Jakki went out. So now my one time to have peace and quiet to myself is disrupted by Remy pacing around house.

Thanks Aunt Jakki! Please come back so we can sleep on the people bed soon!!


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Dirty Dog Tip # 126: Dog Bed? What Dog Bed?

Remy here, to share with you some great tips to leading a fulfilled Dirty Dog Lifestyle.  Now, I have been around the blog and know the key to a happy life is to just do as you please. For instance, this week my Dad left for a camping trip and forgot to take me. I thought it would have been a great opportunity for a little male bonding...but instead I got to hang out with my Sis and Mom. Mom works and while she is gone Faye, being the Goody-Two-Shoes that she is, gets to stay on the couch. I, on the other hand, must learn to go in the crate. Well, this really interferes with my daily activities and I thought I would tell my Mom about it. On Monday night I got the one on the was mostly just fabric type stuff...not too exciting. I got lucky on Tuesday and my Mom put in a foam bed! Thats the most fun I have had in a while!

Meet the Dirty Dogs

Remington III

This is me in my new backyard!
My name is Remington, but mostly they just call me "Remy." I am a black and tan DoberStud who isn't always real sure of what is going on, but I love life just the same. I do know that I have a new house, and my own bed, and my own toys, and my own big sister, and my own Mom and Dad! I didn't always have these things though. I used to live in the dirt, chained to the ground, with no food or water. Someone didn't love me I guess. My brother was with me, he was chained and hungry too. It got very cold out there and when it rained, I had no where to stay dry. I don't remember a whole lot from that life and I don't really want to either. 
This was where I "lived."

One day, someone came and saved me and my Bro from the dirty little area we lived in. I went down to a place called Doberman Rescue of Lake Placid where a nice man named Gary gave me a warm house and food! I live here with Gary and all his DoberFriends until the day my new Mom and Dad came to get me! This was the best day EVER! They brought my new sister, Faye, with them and put me in their car and took me to my new house! I wasn't really sure about this house, I didn't about how to lay on a dog bed or that I could curl up on the couch. No worries, though, I figured it all out quickly!
This is the day I was saved.
They used to call me "Cain"

I am having SO much fun in my new home! My Mom and Dad feed me a lot so that you won't be able to see my bones sticking out anymore and I have to take some medicine for my heartworms, it's a good thing my Dad is in Vet School!

Me at one of my many photo shoots.
My name is Faye and I am a red and rust DoberPrincess. Really, I am royalty; just ask my Mom and Dad. They brought me home with I was a  pup and have been sitting on a pedestal ever since . Right from the beginning I was treated like the Princess that I am. Some may say I am spoiled, but I don't see it that way. When I don't get my way, I let everybody know about it...although lately my Mom and Dad have been spraying me with water when this happens. I am not a huge fan of that. I have enjoyed a life of luxury, but don't let that fool you; I enjoy a good mud puddle. While many assume that the mud is a sign of filth and uncleanliness, it is actually a great way for me to exfoliate and rejuvenate my skin and fur.Life has been pretty good. I get tucked in every night before bed, I have a stockpile of blankies that I nurse when I am tired, nervous, or just bored, and I have my own couch that I nap on during the day. I am very lucky to have dog parents to help me take care of MY house.

Looking stylish while on vacation in the Florida Keys.

One day, my Mom and Dad put me in the car but we didn’t stop at the Dog Park like we usually do…we arrived at a place with MANY other Dobermans. I thought this was a special Doberman Dog Park....but boy, was I wrong. When we were leaving, they put one of those other Dobes in the car with me! I was a little unsure about this giant boy in MY car, attempting to sit in MY spot between MY Mom and Dad. When we got home, he got to use MY toys and lay on MY couch! They call him Remy and told me that he was my “new brother,” whatever that means. I guess he is here to stay…he really isn’t too bad. He stays in his own bed and he actually proves useful as a pillow when we are on the couch and a scapegoat for my various extracurricular activities . I guess I could get used to this “brother” thing.